Create Ideas from Discord Learn how to convert Discord messages from customers and teammates into public ideas.
Prioritization, Roadmaps, and Feedback Tracking Free for Open Source and Non-Profits We all rely on open-source tools. As a way of giving back to the community, we offer for free...
Should I pay For Voters? A Voter is an external user that participates on your public Voting board by either commenting, voting, or posting. Voters...
What is the difference between Users and Voters? Account Users can be owners that have full access or can be teammates that update and prioritize roadmaps (Admin, Member,...
Create Ideas From Voice Messages Ducalis allows you to turn turn voice feedback into actionable ideas on your voting boards. Steps To Follow Forward or...
Using Customers’ Votes as a Criterion in Prioritization Involving user feedback in your prioritization process is an effective way to ensure that the most valuable features or improvements...