Slack Integration and Evaluation Reminders How to integrate Ducalis with Slack and get reminders to evaluate to your Slack channels.
Why do notifications come at the wrong time? Notifications may fail to come at the right time because of the wrong timezone settings. To check your Timezone: Go...
Sprint Planning (Start, Reveal, Final) How to plan your sprints in Ducalis so that you have your priorities ready before a sprint starts.
Send Updates from your own domain (custom email) Your customers are far more likely to pay attention to your emails when they come from your own email address...
Step 4. Set Up Your Own Custom Domain for Email Address Make your emails familiar to your users by setting up a custom domain for your email address.
Team Notifications Where to find team notifications in Ducalis and how to manage them. Notifications can be: Notification are categorized into their...
Mattermost Integration You can connect Mattermost to get: To receive personal direct notifications, you need to connect the Mattermost Bot. To receive...