Evaluation Progress Report The evaluation progress report helps you to get a detailed picture of how your team’s evaluation process is going. Some...
Evaluation Poker Overview What Is the Evaluation Planning Technique? Evaluation poker is a technique that a product team can use to collaboratively evaluate...
Keeping Scores Private When the Team is Evaluating How to achieve unbiased prioritization results by hiding members’ scores during evaluation.
Next Steps: Advanced Settings and Features Explore some advanced features that can help take even more advantage of Ducalis.
Step 3. Check the Evaluation Progress Report Get a bird's-eye view of your team’s evaluation progress.
Reset scores Manually Reset Scores of all the Issues You can manually reset scores of all the issues in a priority board at...
Score Backups Ducalis securely backs up the evaluation scores that you can access and restore if they are reset whilst you still...
Score Backups Ducalis securely backs up the evaluation scores that you can access and restore if they are reset whilst you still...