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  3. How to Create Voting Board

How to Create Voting Board

The Voting Board is a customer feedback management tool that takes interaction with customers to another level. It gives customers an opportunity to be heard at the same time helping you to gather that feedback in one place for easy management. 

With a voting board, you can create a public version of your backlog for your customers to help them get an idea of where you are headed, and also get insights from them.

You can check Ducalis Public Roadmap

Structure of the Voting Board

The voting board is made up of the front-end and the back-end. The front-end is accessible to you and your customers, and the back-end is accessible to you and your team alone.

On the front-end, people can:

On the back-end, you and your team can facilitate and organize your voting board:

What you do on the back-end will be reflected on the front-end.

To access the front-end of your voting from the back-end, under Voting, click the Redirect button in the top right corner.

Creating a Voting Board

Each prioritization board that you create in your Ducalis organization can have its own voting board. To switch on the voting board for a particular prioritization board:

  1. Head over to the Voting Board page (Back-end).
  1. And switch in the toggle.
  1. A voting board with example public ideas will be created. You can delete these ideas and start creating your own.

What’s Next?

Now that you have created your voting board, you can go on and learn about how to add public ideas to the voting board.

Updated on March 12, 2024

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