Sprint Planning

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We believe it’s important to build a prioritization habit to ensure that your priorities match your goals, which are constantly changing with each sprint.

Building a prioritization habit helps you to:

  • Keep your priorities in line with your sprints’ goals.
  • Always have your tasks prioritized before each sprint planning meeting.

To build a prioritization habit, you need to:

  • Reset scores and re-evaluate issues in accordance with how often your goals change.
  • Keep reminding your teammates to evaluate issues.
  • Even send appreciation messages to your teammates who would have evaluated everything to keep them motivated.

Head over to the Sprint settings.

Steps involved in sprint planning

  • Start.
  • Reveal.
  • Final.


Under Start, you can:

  1. Set the duration it will take to get a new prioritization report. 
  2. Choose the day of your sprint planning meeting.

You also have the option to switch on the Evaluation poker mode. This mode helps you to get unbiased prioritization results, as users’ scores are kept private until the evaluation period is over.

Read more about the Evaluation poker mode.


Reveal of the scores. At this stage, if scores were hidden while the team was evaluating, they are revealed for the team to discuss. 

If the Evaluation poker mode is on, you will be able to set how many days before the Final you would like the scores to be revealed for discussion.

Option to restrict users from updating their scores after the reveal. This will help block users from editing their scores after seeing other users’ scores.

Choose who can change the Final scores after the discussions. You can:

  • Restrict everyone from editing the Final score.
  • Allow everyone to edit.
  • Allow only Facilitators to change. 

Choose how you want to inform your users about issues they still have to evaluate.

Write the reward message that the users who would have evaluated all the issues by the end of the sprint will receive.


The last day of sprint planning. At this stage, prioritization results are ready. 

Sync scores to a task tracker. If you use Ducalis for task prioritization, but work on and track the progress of your tasks in a task tracker, you can sync the prioritization results to that task tracker.

Read more about two-way sync

Access score backups. Restore previous scores in case you still need them.

Configure your score expiration settings. Determines how long it will take before a task needs to be re-evaluated based on changes in the company’s goals. 

Updated on July 14, 2024

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