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  3. Setting Up a Custom Domain For Voting Boards

Setting Up a Custom Domain For Voting Boards

When you create your organization, a default domain will be set for the organization’s voting boards. You can customize this domain to help your customers quickly understand whose site they are visiting. 

Accessing the Settings

On your dashboard, click Settings on the left side menu.

Under Settings, go to All Voting Boards. Under Appearance settings, you will find the domain settings block.

Setting Up a Domain.

There are two types of domains offered – Subdomain and Custom Domain.


There is a subdomain set for you by default. You can change it.

Custom Domain.

You can create your custom domain. To get started:

Switch on the tumbler.

Confirm that you want to change the type of domain.

Before you enter your custom domain, add a CNAME record with voting.ducalis.io value in your domain registrar’s control panel, that points the custom domain (feedback.yoursite.com) to “cname.ducalis.io”.

The custom domain should point to voting.ducalis.io exactly. Not yourcompany.voting.ducalis.io. 

We compiled a list of instructions on how to set up a CNAME record in some popular DNS services:

Then lastly enter your custom domain.

What’s Next?

If you haven’t already, you can set up a custom template that your customers can use when creating public ideas on your voting board. 

Learn more on how to configure a custom public idea template.

Updated on July 11, 2024

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