Help your customers quickly identify your emails by setting up a custom domain for your email address. This will increase the chances of your emails being read, as customers are more inclined to open emails from senders they recognize.
Emails that will be sent using the custom email include release notes, notifications for ideas’ progress statuses updates, comments, etc
Find more information about emails users subscribed to your voting boards will be receiving in this article.
Example of Custom Email Address
Your custom domain should include the following components:
So if your company name is GLD café, your email address will look more like this:
Steps involved in setting up:
- DNS settings.
- Providing organization information that will be included in the email footer.
Once you are done with the configuration, your email footers will look like this:
You can also read this article on how to start using the company’s domain in your emails from Ducalis.
What’s Next?
Learn how to import your subscribers’ email addresses for the Release note.